This unique framework gives customers quick, compliant access to professional waking watch providers. It has been split into 3 regional lots to provide national coverage.

All suppliers are accredited, competent and compliant. They are experienced in protecting commercial and residential premises 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Customer requirements could include the provision of this service to a range of premises, including commercial buildings, residential high rise buildings, low rise buildings, and buildings where cladding may be of concern.

Like most of our frameworks it is free to access and we’re able to help you with as much or as little of the process as you wish. We’ll act as an extension of your team, providing advice and guidance along the way.

Framework details

  • FTS / OJEU Ref: 2020/S 119 290700
  • Awarded: 11/12/2020
  • Expires: 10/12/2024

Award Options

Direct Award

Customers are able to Direct Award to the top ranked supplier on this Lot providing that your requirement is within the scope of the framework. In exceptional cases, you are able to direct award outside of number 1 with a strong justification. If you’d like to speak to us about this in more detail please get in touch.

How long will this take me?

A direct award will take approximately 3-4 weeks depending on your internal approval processes. Learn more about the process here – Direct Award Process. 

Mini Competition

You’re also able to run a mini-competition to call off this framework. You’ll be able to use your own specification and cost model. You can also choose your own cost / quality split and quality questions. All pricing submitted by contractors must be linked to the framework.

How long will this take me?

Once you have your specification and cost model ready, the tender process takes approximately 6-8 weeks, depending on your internal approval processes. Learn more about the process here – Mini Tender Process. 

Accessing this Framework

Who can access this framework?

Any publically funded body can use this framework – access is not limited to SEC Members alone. Full details can be found here.

Is there a cost to access? 

There is no access fee to use this framework. A levy % dependant on whether you are a guest or member is collected directly from the contractor once a call off contract is awarded. This percentage will never be more than 1.5% for Members and 2% for Guests.

What are frameworks?

Learn more about how frameworks work and how our sector uses them.

National Coverage

Have a project requirement that requires national coverage? The best way to achieve value for money is by basing your contract on the location of the properties and therefore running up to 3 individual call offs from the applicable Lots. This will ensure your award is compliant.

Suppliers will provide pricing for each property based on its location and the associated Living Wage costs.

It is possible to utilise the same supplier under one contract via the direct award method – as the same supplier is top ranked on all 3 Lots.

The National and London real Living Wage Fluctuations – 

The framework price models are based on the National real Living Wage for Lots 1 and 3, and the London real Living Wage for Lot 2. This ensures that pricing is realistic and relevant whilst ensuring suppliers staff their contracts with competent, qualified individuals.

This real Living Wage is reviewed / increased annually. Therefore, we would recommend that any call off contract entered into includes provision for the supplier’s pricing to be increased by the equivalent percentage every year.


Supplier Accreditations

All suppliers follow the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) Guidance document on delivering a Waking Watch Service and are accredited to BAFE SP205 standard. All wardens should have undertaken a Fire Wardens course with an approved and accredited fire training provider.


Framework Tender

In the evaluation of bidders for this framework, a cost / quality ratio was used rather than the traditional cost / quality evaluation method. The aim of using the cost / quality ratio as the evaluation approach for this framework was to measure quality and then calculate the quality as a function of price to measure overall Value for Money (VFM). You can learn more about the cost/quality ratio and how we used it here. 

More detail on the cost and quality elements of the tender can be found below –

Next Steps

Ready to use this framework?

Please contact us today. Our Procurement team will support you with your requirements. 

Have some further questions?

Check out our FAQs page here. Or contact a member of the team today – we’re happy to help.