How can we break away from “the norm” and utilise technology and the “new normal” to drive efficiency through technology and remote management of maintenance?
This was the question posed to our BIM workgroup as they met for the fist time a year ago. Over the course multiple meetings and many hours of collaboration they’ve developed an interactive roadmap for HAs wishing to implement BIM for existing buildings. It’s a comprehensive, evolving and informed attempt by industry practitioners and clients all attempting to promote the business case to support the greater adoption of BIM as a process to achieving greater outcomes.
The microsite is a free to use dynamic platform designed to walk asset owners through the process of adopting BIM across your organisation. You can access the site here – SEC – BIM for Asset Management – BIM for Asset Management? (
So please share the tool across your organisation – it’s been designed by your colleagues with you in mind. And this is only the beginning…watch this space as our Working group will be meeting across 2022 to further promote and develop the microsite.
We caught up with Bola, the chair of our Workgroup in December to summarise the group’s work so far:
“The Grenfell Tower tragedy happened on the 14th June 2017. At the time of writing now, some 54months later, that tragic event has finally exposed the breadth and depth of long standing, largely cultural challenges for the UK construction industry. However, it is the UK’s publicly funded housing sector, that has truly been forced to evolve and innovate – incentivised by its own governance, moral compass and public interest, particularly during COVID. Housing clients, contracting authorities, professional advisors and their entire supply-chains all have a ‘new’ duty to collaborate, share and “lead the change that we all need to see”. It is time for the housing sector to step up to this challenge of meeting the chronological, evidence based, legislative requirement(s) and cumulative ‘whole-life cycle’ commitment(s) articulated by and demanded of Dame Hackitt’s ‘Golden Thread’. The SEC ‘BIM in Asset Management’ platform is a worthy and complimentary effort for those seeking clarity on the direction of travel for the sector as well those who are keen to begin their own #NetZero journey in a BIM enabled / Digital Twin world of ‘post-pandemic’ remote asset management. It was never our intention [as the BIM Working Group] to provide a ‘silver-bullet’ to address all of the known, unknown and yet to be realised pain-points in asset management. However, the common denominator being ‘cultural change’ is a journey to be explored and experienced only by people; so come and join us as we enter a ‘new’ paradigm _ one that is designed to leverage the true value of structured data [and Better Information Management] leading to a better quality of life for social housing residents.”