Our New Build Framework tender is now live on myTenders!
We’ve devised this ambitious new framework with the market in mind. We want to make sure it’s as easy to use and as flexible as possible – whilst also recognising the increase in value bands over the past 4 years, as well as demand for smart homes and technologies.
The framework has been split into 3 lots which have then been sub-divided into geographical location to provide national coverage.
LOT 1: Projects up to £5m
LOT 2: Projects £5 – 10m
LOT3: Projects £10m+

The framework will run for 3 years, with a 12 month extension, subject to review, to a maximum of 4 years. If successful, contractors will have the opportunity to consider regional contracts through “Call-off” or “Mini Competition”.
The process will run in accordance with the Open Procedure. It will comprise a Standard Questionnaire (Section 2) and the ITT (Invitation to Tender) (Section 3). The tender timetable and clarification deadline has been published in the contract notice on MyTenders.
Tender deadline is 12pm on Friday 29th January.
The tender documents are live on myTenders here – https://www.mytenders.co.uk/authority/authority_noticestatus.aspx?ID=221370