Our DPS provides a quick, effective and compliant way to manage your responsive repairs, voids and planned maintenance projects.

Dynamic Purchasing System

Procuring works from our Dynamic Purchasing System is easy. SEC will manage the process and be the initial point of contact if assistance or advice is needed. It provides a route to market for organisations looking to support their DLO, operate in lieu of one, or find a longer term repairs, voids or planned maintenance partner. 

Some aspects of a Dynamic Purchasing System are similar to a framework – but an important difference is that suppliers can join or leave the DPS at anytime. This makes it easier to include local SME contractors and comply with Section 20 if required. 

It’s been split into four Lots to provide a range of specialist contractors – 

  • Responsive Repairs
  • Voids
  • Planned Maintenance 
  • Combination Services (for contracts which cover two or more of the above)
Are you a Contractor looking to join the DPS? Learn more here.

Lot 1: Responsive Repairs

This Lot covers numerous repair works you may regularly require.

Suppliers can deliver various work streams. Including finishing works, painting and decorating, plumbing and heating, electrical installs, door entry systems, general maintenance and roofing. This list is not exhaustive and we welcome suppliers from all different work streams to join the DPS.

Lot 2: Voids

This Lot covers works required to your empty properties. Voids are usually time sensitive as you need to re-let the property quickly. When using this Lot you’re able to specify the work needed and advise on the timescales. You’re also able to specify one specific type of work, or several depending on your requirements.

Suppliers can deliver various work streams. Including finishing works, painting and decorating, plumbing and heating, electrical installs, door entry systems, general maintenance and roofing. This list is not exhaustive and we welcome suppliers from all different work streams to join the DPS.

Lot 3: Planned Maintenance

This Lot covers planned capital works. It provides access to smaller, specialist contractors able to carry our your projects. We’ve developed a skills matrix to give you a detailed picture of how many of our current DPS contractors can deliver the works you’re looking for.

The DPS’s scope also means that local SME contractors are able to apply to join the DPS before we go to tender for your contract.

Contact the team today to learn more about our skills matrix.

Lot 4: Combined Works

This Lot is for customers who would like to consolidate the provision of two or more of the above services under one contract. In this case a single supplier will be able to deliver your voids, responsive repairs and planned maintenance works.

Suppliers can deliver various work streams. Including finishing works, painting and decorating, plumbing and heating, electrical installs, door entry systems, general maintenance and roofing. This list is not exhaustive and we welcome suppliers from all different work streams to join the DPS.


As the DPS is live suppliers can join or leave the model at any time. Please contact us today to see the current list.

Can I ask my preferred suppliers to join the DPS?

Yes – if you have any small and/or local firms you like to use for certain repairs or maintenance works and are looking for a complaint route to award, you can point them to our DPS. This will make mini tenders including your preferred suppliers easier. We’ve produced some advice for suppliers looking to join the DPS – you can read it here.

How to use the Dynamic Purchasing System?

Step 1

We’ll talk to you about your upcoming project and ask you to complete a pre-project form. This helps us to tailor our services to your specific project and get you procurement ready.

Step 2

Any contractors which you already know can register to join the DPS at this stage. Once approved they can then be included in your tender.

Step 3

Once you’re happy to proceed we will issue an Invitation to Tender (ITT) to all of the suppliers on the relevant Lot. Suppliers can choose to opt-in or opt-out of tendering.

Step 4

Interested suppliers will then return the completed ITT back to you as the Client by your deadline.

Step 5

You will evaluate the submissions and issue an award to the successful supplier. You must notify SEC of the decision.

All call offs from the DPS have to be mini tenders. We will manage this process and be the initial point of contact if you need help or advice.

Who can access this DPS?

Any publicly funded body can use the DPS – access is not limited to SEC Members alone. Full details can be found here.

The DPS is for contracts with a value of £25,000 and over.

Is there a cost to access? 

There is no access fee to use our DPS for projects over £150,000. A levy % dependant on whether you are a guest or member is collected directly from the contractor once a call off contract is awarded. The levy operates on a cascade system – with the % charge decreasing in line with contract spend.

For projects £150,000 or less we will charge an access fee. This is £500 + VAT for support with a price only evaluation and £2,250 + VAT for price and quality evaluation support. No levy is then charged post contract award.

If you’d like to discuss this with us in more detail please let us know – we’re happy to help.