South East Consortium today launches its Foundation Fund.
SEC is a not-for-profit central purchasing body. Annually we return a surplus and as such we have launched three sector re-investment strategies.
One that sits close to our core is serving the housing communities which our clients manage.
Communities and the spirit and good will of communities is what much of the housing sector has been built on.
We have set out this fund to be an initiative that supports community projects, local social groups, parish and district extra curricular learning and support, sports establishment among many more.
SEC are committed to spending £150,000 on community projects and will do so via an annual nominations window.
Nominations will open in January 2021 until March 2021. nominees can be from our client organisations, residents living within their dwellings or suppliers serving these clients and communities through our frameworks.
We have established a panel of excellent Trustees who will evaluate nominations in April 2021 and our Business Partnerships team will contact successful benefactors shortly after.
If you have any questions please contact our Head of Business Partnerships, David Smith david.smith@southeastconsortium.org.uk
Follow our specific Foundation Linked In page here