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The SEC BIM workgroup have now met three times – and what a group we have!  As the SEC rep and a learner to this topic – I’m blown away with how passionate my colleagues are about BIM.  They’ve taught so much in such a short window.

During last week’s meeting we spoke at length about the latest case studies, articles, legislation and guidance on BIM – it’s clear good data has a huge role to play according to Dame Judith Hackitt, the Building Safety Bill and the latest guidance notes released by government.

In this meeting we welcomed Jack Ostrophsky – the Chair of BIM4HAs. As a group they’ve released a toolkit for HAs wishing to adopt BIM for new build projects.  As both groups are massive advocates of encouraging the sector to adopt BIM we wanted to link up and see how we could help each other.  We’ll be exploring this in the coming months as we all have common goals and a shared ambition.

We also focused on our interactive roadmap for HAs wishing to use BIM for existing buildings – we’ve got our structure in place now and hope to be able to have our map ready by the Autumn.  Our intention is to share it far and wide using all of our team members and possibly our allies in the BIM4HAs group to teach businesses even more about the benefits of BIM…

Marc Baines

Managing Director, South East Consortium