Our Board is made up of representatives from Member organisations. They help shape our strategy in accordance with our mission and vision. Meet the SEC Board below.

As Director of Procurement at Optivo, Antony is energised through creative solutions, the social value proposition and contracting through relationships. As Board member of SEC, he is an avid supporter of their intent to develop future solutions and thinking for the sector.
Open and accessible, Antony is keen to learn what others know and welcomes you contacting him

Tina worked in the London Borough of Lambeth for 18 years and started as a Tenancy Housing Officer moving on to Service Development and then Repairs Performance Manager. In 2007, when Lambeth Living, Lambeth’s arms-length management organisation, was created she became their Complaints Manager. For the past five years she was the Head of Service Improvement and her successes include improving complaints handling resulting in an 80% reduction in complaints received; the successful procurement of a contact centre contract which delivered annual savings of £1m; and leading the successful reintegration of Lambeth Living back into the council.

At Greenwich Susan is responsible for ensuring the Councils portfolio for housing stock meets the required compliance across all of the big six areas. Her career is challenging, but above all very rewarding, working in local sector gives her a real sense of pride knowing her biggest job is to serve their residents by ensuring they are improving peoples homes and lives by making certain they live in safe and secure environments.

Marc provides strategic and operational leadership and management of all functions of SEC.
Marc graduated with a BA Hons in Marketing in 2008 and has since worked for registered providers of social housing in various operational roles. Most recently Marc was Customer Experience Manager at Optivo where he led the organisation to win local, national and global awards for complaint management.
Since joining SEC, Marc has led the organisation to be proactive in its reaction to changes in the social housing sector. This has seen framework usage and contract award value grow by more than 30% within 3 years. In addition to this SEC aren't just about frameworks and can now offer more support for customers with technical or specification requirements. SEC also delivers a growing suite of annual events including our new look Annual Conference.
Marc is passionate about creating truly brilliant places to work and really cares about the customer journey. Marc makes sure each SEC transaction focuses on ease, options and value for the customer. His vision is to continue developing our business and provide innovative and creative routes to market for our customers.