Introducing our Next Generation Leaders.
SEC have partnered with Solace to provide an ILM Certificated course for Next Generation Leaders within the Housing Sector. As part of our commitment to the sector and our £250,000 investment in people through our Prospects initiative, we have designed this course for colleagues within our Membership.
This week we’re introducing you to our first Cohort of Next Generation Leaders. The 13 delegates are all passionate about developing their career in Housing. They’ve been nominated by their organisation as they recognise their ambition and dedication to the sector.
The profiles below introduce our second four delegates – Joseph, Emily, Cate and Felicity.

In my current role with Home Group, I manage a diverse contract, working across the East of England supporting women offenders to move away from offending. The contract is called CFO3, funded by European Social Fund and managed by HMPPS. Managing the contract and keeping the individuals we work with at the centre of our focus and commitment, demands motivational skills, coaching and insight. I have learned to inspire and incentivise my team, to ensure they deliver person-centred support, alongside achieving incredibly challenging targets, remotely, and with limited resources for a payment by results contract.
I have many passions outside of work. My two small children are my absolute world. I also love travelling the world and making memories with my family. I also enjoy learning about fitness and personal training and love sharing my knowledge with friends. I have also recently taken up running which I love!

I have recently joined IDS as their Head of Responsive Repairs. I am responsible for both D2D repairs and void management.
I have two ridiculously amazing sons who are my absolute oxygen. They are my main interest and motivating both in and outside of work if I am being honest!
More importantly, I am very focused on building an infrastructure and working environment that is serious and fun. Seriously fun!
As well as that, I am very much interests in social commentary and participate in a podcast of similar ilk. It's a respectable 'lads' conversation-based show. Whilst we have not created the show to change the world, we are there to give our opinions on things and have a laugh.

About 3 years ago Hammersmith and Fulham embarked on transforming their repairs service and bring elements of it in house. I was seconded to help design and set up the new repairs customer service centre to give residents a single point of contact at the council for repairs. The service is made up of a contact centre that operates 8am to 8pm weekdays, taking repairs requests from residents by phone and e-mail, a complaints team to help residents who's repairs have gone wrong and a customer insight team to make sure we keep learning and improving from customer feedback. It is challenging but rewarding role.
I love the theatre and I can't wait for them to re-open, it's one of my favourite things about London! During lockdown I've dabbled in a number of crafts to keep myself busy, including knitting and soap making. I'm a terrible baker but a reasonable cook and enjoy attempting to recreate dishes from around the world.

My role now is more strategy based and involves me reporting directly to the Chief Executive and responsible for the housing services directorate. I also oversee the operational staff members who deliver services to residents and provide support to the core areas of the business.
I am exceptionally busy person outside work. My main motivation for everything in life is my son and my family, but I also have several other interests and commitments. My son is football crazy and plays for his local team, so I am often ferrying him from training to matches. I am also a trustee of a domestic violence charity and I enjoy being able to give something back in a different way. I also volunteer as an educational advisor, going into schools and mentoring children around aspirations and life skills. To relax I like to spend time with my horses and other animals, and I am also a committee member of my son's school PTA.
Reminder – The nomination window for Cohort 2 opens next Tuesday 1st June! Registration will be open here – Next Generation Leaders.