Planning Services

The planning consultants on this Lot are able to offer a wide range of advice on all matters concerned with planning, development and environmental issues surrounding building projects.

What services are covered?

1. Pre-application: 

  • Initiate and undertake pre-application consultation with LPA and other key stakeholders as appropriate
  • Attend meetings with the client
  • Set up pre-application stakeholder consultation / community engagement events
  • Prepare and submit EIA screening – confirm scope and content of planning application with LPA
  • Identify and procure additional technical inputs to support application
  • Issue planning application checklist for design team and attend STMs and CEMS (as necessary)

2. Planning Application: 

  • Collate, review and co-ordinate technical reports for planning application and technical surveys required
  • Preparation and submission of planning application and maintaining the application tracker
  • Meetings and discussions with LPA to review the application progress
  • Presentation to Planning Committee and negotiation and conclusion for s106 (if required)

3. Planning Appeal:

  • Managing the process of discharging pre-commencement conditions
  • Preparation and submission of applications for discharging pre-commencement conditions
  • Managing the process under any s106 agreement
  • Maintain conditions tracker to manage the process

Award Options

Direct Award

Customers are able to Direct Award to any contractor on the Lot regardless of ranking. To do this you must have a justifiable reason for going outside of Rank 1. If you’d like to speak to us about this in more detail please get in touch.

How long will this take me?

A direct award will take approximately 3-4 weeks depending on your internal approval processes.

Mini Competition

You can also run a mini-competition from this framework. You’ll be able to use your own specification and cost model. You can also choose your own cost / quality split and quality questions. All pricing submitted by contractors must be linked to the framework.

How long will this take me?

Once you have your specification and cost model ready, the tender process takes approximately 6-8 weeks, depending on your internal approval processes.

Contract Options

Which contract form can I use?

You’re able to chose from a number of different contract forms: 

  1. RICS Short Form of Consultants Appointment,
  2. a contract from the JCT suite, or
  3.  you’re able to use your own form of bespoke contract. 

Accessing this Framework

Who can access this framework?

Any publically funded body can use this framework – access is not limited to SEC Members alone. Full details can be found here.

Is there a cost to access? 

There is no access fee to use this framework. A levy % dependant on whether you are a guest or member is collected directly from the contractor once a call off contract is awarded. This percentage will never be more than 1.5% for Members and 2% for Guests.

How do I access this framework?

If your organisation is already a SEC Member then you will not need to sign an additional Access Agreement. You’re already signed up.
If your organisation is new to SEC, and would like to use our frameworks as a non-member then you will need to sign our Access Agreement. You’ll only need to sign this once and you’ll receive access to all our Frameworks and DPS’s – even ones we procure in the future. You can view a draft agreement here – DRAFT Access Agreement (Non-Members).

What are frameworks?

Learn more about how frameworks work and how our sector uses them.

Framework Tender

We procured this framework through a one-stage open process. The cost and quality elements of each tender was evaluated at 55% cost and 45% quality. For the quality element bidders were asked to commit to specified services levels, and detail their approach to;

  • providing accurate data that clients can rely on to meet their obligations.
  • ensuring their organisations keep up to date with legislative requirements and best practice.
  • assisting the management of project risks at all stages, from feasibility, through procurement, design and during works on sight.

Next Steps

Ready to use this framework?

Please contact us today. Our Procurement team will support you with your requirements. 

Have some further questions?

Check out our FAQs page here. Or contact a member of the team today – we’re happy to help.