A year ago we launched our first programme of research projects. They’re part of our mission to influence solutions for the sectors future. We promised to utilise the research projects to help tackle three challenging topics impacting the Housing sector. The topics were all voted on and driven by our Members.
Over the course multiple workgroup meetings and many hours of collaboration we’re pleased to release the final paper for our first research group – “Unlocking BIM – an insight into asset management”.
The workgroup consists of stakeholders from across the sector – including industry leaders, consultants, contractors and registered providers all passionate about the opportunity that Better Information Management holds for the housing sector.

They’ve developed an interactive roadmap for RPs and LAs wishing to implement BIM for existing buildings. It’s a comprehensive, evolving and informed attempt by industry practitioners and clients all attempting to promote the business case to support the greater adoption of BIM as a process to achieving greater outcomes.
The microsite is a free to use dynamic platform designed to walk asset owners through the process of adopting BIM across your organisation. You can access the site here – SEC – BIM for Asset Management – BIM for Asset Management? (southeastconsortium.org.uk)
So please share the tool and the research paper across your organisation – it’s been designed by your colleagues with you in mind.
On a personal level, it’s been a pleasure to work with a group of colleagues passionate about the role BIM has to play in managing our assets. It’s easy to visualise BIM as a digital twin – but that’s only part of it. BIM is about better information and how you manage it to make informed decisions that improve the services we offer to our residents. BIM will have a growing role in how we improve the safety of our buildings and how we reduce our carbon footprint. It’s a cultural change, something our business leaders need to implement now.
And this is only the beginning…watch this space as our Working group will be meeting across 2022 to further promote and develop the microsite.