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We’d like to say a big thank you to Susan Cardozo for her 6 years of service to our Board. This month’s Board meeting was her last as she retires from her role as the Strategic Lead for Assets, Repairs and Compliance at Thurrock Council. 

We want to thank her for her unwavering commitment to our organisation and the customers we support. She’s dedicated her valuable time, energy and expertise to help drive our growth and strategic direction.

Our Managing Director, Marc Baines expresses our gratitude – “On behalf of everyone at SEC – we’ll miss Sue. Thank you for your service to SEC over the last six years – it’s been an absolute pleasure to have worked with you. You’ve always had our customers best interest at heart and that’s been priceless. Your contributions and challenges have played a huge part in SECs growth journey to where it is today. We’ll all be wishing Sue a super happy retirement and will be certain to stay in touch.”

We caught up with Susan for a few words of reflection – “It is with a heavy heart that I am moving on from my role in SEC now that I am retiring and will no longer be working for one of the member organisations. It has been a real privilege to undertake the role of board member for SEC for the last 6 years. I have valued the benefit of working with a very committed and inspirational team, both on the board and within the organisation and have seen the organisation move from strength to strength over this time. I have learnt a great deal myself and I am very proud to have played a part in SEC growing into the organisation it is today and no doubt will continue to be as it responds to needs of its members moving in to the future.”
Thanks again Susan – we wish you all the best and a healthy, happy retirement!


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