Procurement ReformNewsProcurement Cabinet Office releases Procurement Reform Update The Government is making changes to the rules and regulations governing public spend now that we have left the EU.…South East Consortium14/10/2021
Procurement ReformNewsProcurement Procurement legislation is changing – download our guidance document Procurement legislation in the UK is changing… The Government is making changes to the rules and regulations governing public spend…South East Consortium06/10/2021
Procurement ReformNewsProcurement PPN 07/21 – Contracts Finder Reminder “PPN” stands for Procurement Policy Note. They’re updates that the Government release which advise the country on changes to procurement…South East Consortium26/08/2021
Procurement ReformNewsProcurement Cabinet Office PPN 06/21 – Carbon Reduction Plans “PPN” stands for Procurement Policy Note. They’re updates that the Government release which advise the country on changes to procurement…South East Consortium17/08/2021
NewsProcurementProcurement Reform Transforming Public Procurement Response The Cabinet Office released the Green Paper before Christmas and SEC with its members have been working on a response.…David Smith12/03/2021
NewsProcurementProcurement Reform Procurement reform – an opportunity for change? Q&A with Marc Baines In December Cabinet Office published the Green Paper on post-Brexit procurement reform. It marks the start of a process which will…South East Consortium17/02/2021