Procurement ReformNewsProcurement Procurement legislation is changing – download our guidance document Procurement legislation in the UK is changing… The Government is making changes to the rules and regulations governing public spend…South East Consortium06/10/2021
Procurement ReformNewsProcurement PPN 07/21 – Contracts Finder Reminder “PPN” stands for Procurement Policy Note. They’re updates that the Government release which advise the country on changes to procurement…South East Consortium26/08/2021
NewsProcurement Government Decarbonisation Fund now open! The Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund is now open for applications! What is the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF)? The SHDF…South East Consortium23/08/2021
Procurement ReformNewsProcurement Cabinet Office PPN 06/21 – Carbon Reduction Plans “PPN” stands for Procurement Policy Note. They’re updates that the Government release which advise the country on changes to procurement…South East Consortium17/08/2021
NewsProcurement Material supplies and labour shortages – market engagement We’re supporting more customers than ever to work through the backlog of projects delayed during the pandemic. As the market…South East Consortium15/07/2021
NewsProcurement Introducing Rachel O’Sullivan – Operations Team Assistant We welcomed Rachel O'Sullivan to the SEC team last month as our Operations Team Assistant. She’s the sixth team member…South East Consortium08/04/2021
FrameworkNewsProcurement Our New Build Framework is now live! We're pleased to announce the successful contractors awarded to our New Build Framework. The Framework will be live and ready…South East Consortium31/03/2021
NewsProcurementProcurement Reform Transforming Public Procurement Response The Cabinet Office released the Green Paper before Christmas and SEC with its members have been working on a response.…David Smith12/03/2021
NewsProcurementProcurement Reform Procurement reform – an opportunity for change? Q&A with Marc Baines In December Cabinet Office published the Green Paper on post-Brexit procurement reform. It marks the start of a process which will…South East Consortium17/02/2021