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When the Building Safety Act 2022 received Royal Assent on 28th April 2022, it saw the introduction of a new dutyholder role for occupied buildings, known as the Principal Accountable Person [PAP].

Under the Act, the PAP is responsible for registering a higher risk building [HRB] and, when directed to do so by the Regulator, applying for and displaying a Building Assessment Certificate.

The Act also included a duty to provide prescribed information about the building to the Building Safety Regulator.

The Higher-Risk Buildings (Key Building Information etc.) Regulations 2023, which were laid before Parliament on 24th January 2023, set out what that prescribed information, known as key building information, is (3-18).

This includes information about:

  •  the principal use of the building and any subsidiary uses
  • the number of staircases and storeys in the building
  • a description of the materials used in the external walls and roof
  • any fixtures attached to the walls
  • details of the structure
  • the type of energy supply to the building and energy-storage system
  • the type of evacuation strategy
  • a list of fire and smoke control equipment

The regulations also specify that the key building information for a HRB must be submitted within 28 days of the PAP applying for registration of a higher-risk building (20) and that the key building information must be in electronic form (24).

Why is this important? Well, the key building information is now linked to registration of a HRB which means that the PAP now has 6 months from April 2023, which is when the register for occupied buildings opens, to collate and submit the key building information in electronic form.

The clock is ticking.

Paul Nash MSc PPCIOB