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Arhag Housing Association came to us as they wanted to procure a responsive repairs, voids and planned works contract via our Dynamic Purchasing System. As they didn't have the in-house expertise we were able to provide additional support with their technical documents and procurement approach.

After meeting with them to understand their requirements and their desired outcomes we helped them with the following: 

  • advise on their specification, cost model and quality questions – making sure that quality was at the heart of the contract and that their technical documents align with how Arhag Housing Association operates.
  • support with their Section 20 consultation – we drafted the notice on behalf of Arhag for the start of their Section 20 process. 
  • contract management support – our Head of Operations drafted their contract amendments from an operational perspective to assist with future contract management. 

We ran the tender for Arhag Housing Association through our DPS early 2022. Once the tenders were submitted we supported them with their evaluation of the cost and quality submissions. MNM Contractors were successfully awarded the contract. 

Following contract award our David Ashby and Jenna Hicken attended Arhag HA’s offices post-contract award to deliver bespoke contract management training to their team. Training focused on their contract amendments and getting the most out of their contract from start to finish. Agenda points included: 

  • Introduction to JCT
  • Contract Particulars and Definitions
  • Contract Clauses
  • KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
  • Contractor Quality Responses
  • Pricing (with examples)