We’re pleased to announce the successful contractors awarded to our new Pest Control Framework. It is now live and ready to use for our network.
This framework gives customers compliant access to 9 highly-qualified specialists able to provide pest control services. The scope of services covers, but is not limited to: the elimination of all pests in accordance with CRRU, pest awareness training for residents and staff and the provision of pest control reports.

Like the majority of our frameworks this framework is free to access and we’re able to help with as much as the procurement process as needed. We’ll act like an extension of your team, providing advice and guidance along the way.
You can view the successful contractors here – Pest Control Framework.
Any public sector organisation can access the framework. You’re able to appoint contractors via mini-competition.
For more information on accessing the framework, or using our services please email info@southeastconsortium.org.uk or call a member of the team on 020 8036 0004.