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BIM has an important role to play in our sector’s future. Our Workgroup is focused on demystifying the current BIM challenge and unlocking the true potential of this ‘data-driven’ solution for social and affordable housing. They met for the second time earlier this month. We caught up with our Managing Director, Marc Baines on how they got on. 

BIM has an important role to play in our sector’s future, especially at a time when we’re facing major legislative and regulatory change. In seeking to comply, uphold and maintain the aspiration of the ‘golden thread’, BIM has an intrinsic role to play following the Grenfell Tower fire and in supporting our thinking around the net zero 2035 challenge.

To support the conversation we’re fortunate to be able to draw upon the eclectic variety of industry relevant, client facing skills and experience. At our last meeting the group agreed to concentrate on developing:

  • A guide to BIM – specifically built for the Housing Sector (BIM for HAs)
    • An easily digestible handbook published for Members – it’ll be everything you [and your asset management team] need to know about BIM, delivered in a customer friendly way.
  • Long term links with sector specific groups (i.e. BIM4 Housing Alliance)
    • Our group are passionate about the topic – we don’t want [and cannot afford] to stop in October 2021. We’ll be reviewing how we can keep the conversation alive with links to other groups and industry alliances.
  • Seeking out the opportunities to upskill SEC Members.
    • We’ll look to use the network to create opportunities to deliver seminars, publications and case studies to SEC Members.

Next Steps 

The Group will be hosting two more workshops in July and October. They’ll use this to finalise the guidance for publication at the SEC Annual Conference in November 2021.

We’ll be publishing my blog updates as their conversations progress!

Marc Baines

Managing Director, South East Consortium