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Last month HACT launched the #EnergyHardshipFund. It’s a collective effort by the social housing sector and its partners to support residents with energy costs over the coming winter. 

They have one simple ask: Please contribute.

They’re looking for corporate donations and support to help fundraise an ambitious target of £1,000,000 and would like to invite your organisation to back the initiative.

Learn more here – Energy Hardship Fund: All you need to know. 

You can also get in touch with HACT via their dedicated email address or webpage if you are interested in making a donation /


The Energy Hardship Fund – more information from HACT 

Last year, HACT distributed £1 million in energy vouchers to over 16,000 resident households across the UK, using a network of over 160 housing associations.    

This year, the need for energy vouchers is even higher. The cumulative impact of higher energy prices and cuts to Universal Credit means that we are expecting unprecedented levels of fuel poverty.     

We want to do something about it. Later today,  we will be launching the Energy Hardship Fund. We’d like your organisation to consider making a donation, and supporting us to raise awareness with your networks.  

The Energy Hardship Fund will seek donations from social housing organisations, supply chain and procurement organisations, as well as charitable trusts and foundations. We already have over £110,000 in the fund.  We have applications in the pipeline to the organisations who supported the sector last year who are making funds available again (although not at the same level).  

Our aim is to create a fund of over £1,000,000 that we can begin to distribute through our existing networks to social housing residents before Christmas.   

Our partnership with Charis and the technology we have put in place means we can also scale our network easily, so that any social landlord can sign up and draw down support for their residents.  

The more organisations who commit to the campaign, the wider the impact we can have. By supporting this campaign, we will demonstrate how the social housing sector is responding to this crisis together.  

We would also welcome your support in promoting the campaign across your networks and using your influence to encourage donations.